Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention.
The word Qigong (Chi Kung) is made up of two Chinese words.
• Qi (pronounced chee) means the life force or vital energy that flows through the body and all things in the universe. Think of this as your energy, your breath.
• Gong (pronounced gung) means accomplishment, or skill that is cultivated through steady practice.
Qigong (Chi Kung) means cultivating energy, it is a system practiced for health maintenance, healing and increasing vitality.
Harvard Medical School recommends Qigong

Qigong is an integration of physical postures, breathing techniques, and focused intentions. We focus on the slow gentle movements and these can be easily adapted, even for the physically challenged, and can be practiced by all age groups. Qigong is a highly effective health care practice. Many healthcare professionals recommend Qigong as an important form of alternative complementary medicine.
Qigong creates an awareness of our internal health with emphasize the importance of adding mind intent and breathing techniques to physical movements. When these dimensions are added, the benefits of exercise increase exponentially. The gentle, rhythmic movements of consistent Qigong practice can reduce stress, build stamina, increase vitality, and enhance the immune system.

People do Qigong to maintain health, heal their bodies, calm their minds and perhaps to reconnect with their spirit. When these three aspects of our being are integrated, it encourages a positive outlook on life and helps eliminate harmful attitudes and behaviours. It also creates a balanced lifestyle, which brings greater harmony, stability, and enjoyment.
There are a wide variety of Qigong practices. They vary from the simple, internal forms to the more complex and challenging external styles. They can interest and benefit everyone, from the most physically challenged to the super athlete. There are Qigong classes for children, senior citizens, and every age group in between. Since Qigong can be practiced anywhere or at any time, there is no need to buy special clothing or to join a health club, however when learning Qigong, it is helpful to start with a group or class.

Qigong’s great appeal is that everyone can benefit, regardless of ability, age, belief system or life circumstances.
(from National Qigong Association NQA.org flyer)