Shibashi is a series of 18 practices that co-ordinate movement with breathing and concentration. It is a gentle, beautiful and flowing that is both a joy to do and deeply relaxing.

- Raising the arms
- Open the chest/heart
- Painting the rainbow
- Separating the clouds
- Rolling arms
- Rowing boat in middle of lake
- Supporting the ball in front of shoulder
- Gazing at the moon
- Turn the waist and push the wind
- Moving the hands in the clouds
- Scooping the sea, look at the sky
- Push the waves
- Flying dove spreads it wings
- Punching in basic stance
- Flying wild goose
- Rotating fly wheel
- Gathering the Qi
- Standing Zen
You will get a feeling for the history of Shibashi at
Video of Simon Blow practicing Shibashi is at