Six Healing Sounds

“the Six Wonderful Doors”

Liu Zi Jue

The practice of Qigong has been an essential part of wellness for thousands of years, integrating stillness, movement, visualization, sound, and breath to cultivate energy. This practice strengthens internal organs, reduces stress, activates natural healing, boosts the immune system, and calms the mind.

The Six Healing Sounds, also known as the Six Wonderful Doors, is an ancient breathing technique used to harmonize and balance the body’s internal organs. Practiced sub-vocally (in a whisper or without audible sound), it guides energy flow and enhances overall well-being.

Origins and Purpose

Ancient practitioners discovered the significance of the Six Healing Sounds as a method to promote longevity and health. Traditionally, practitioners face the east in the early morning and engage in this practice when vitality is rising.

This method has roots in sound-based wellness traditions, emphasizing sound as a powerful means of transformation. Just as certain sounds, like wind chimes or chanting, influence our mood, the Six Healing Sounds use vibration to improve the function of internal organs and overall health.

Diagram of Sounds

YouTube to Simon Blow Practice – start with just the audio